Thursday, December 18, 2008

More Ebay madness

More items from my Nana's wardrobe. This time clothes. We kept most of it but are selling the stuff that doesn't fit or hold much sentimental value. In the end we are only selling 4 items. I'll show you the stuff I am keeping soon.

All dresses are about a size 10-12...small 12.

Ohh you can see my new sofa bed. It looks cool right?

A special thank you to my wonderful model Lauren, she was very brave to don that nu rave number. Also congratulations on getting into fashion, you worked so hard you totally deserve it.


  1. Oh mannn I love the 70's dress and the bikini. Too bad I'm not allowed to buy online anymore.


  2. hey Hayley, i love the items but i really love the canvas with the black and white design on the wall. is it bought or did you do that? i'd love one like that in my room!! x

  3. those items are so fun, I cant believe your grandmother would wear these!

  4. friend Jodi has almost the EXACT same sofa bed, but hers is a small couch. Looks nearly identical...hers is vintage from the 1950's I believe.

  5. I love Lauren. As in, I think I'm actually in love with her. Sigh. Tell her a stupid internet random from Melbourne, male and single, thinks she's gorgeous? Thanks.


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