How many pairs of the same Melissa shoes have I taken photos of? I think I'm up to 5! Crazy popular shoes they are. I have a "fake" pair from a shop in Harajuku Tokyo.
I didn't realise when I bought them that they were fake Melissa's though, I just thought they were cool shoes. You can tell because they have an extra plastic strap. They were only $11 and there is actually a funny story about them. We rode our bikes to Harajuku for a day of shopping. We were shopping in Takeshitta Dori and I was so excited to find a pair of shoes that actually fit me (they are a size LL, in Japan shoes come in 3 sizes S, M and L, only very occasionally do you find a LL and normally they won't fit my big size 10 foot anyway but these did, yay!) When we were finished shopping I put the shoes which were in a plastic bag inside my bicycle basket and started to ride home. Half way home I felt a plastic feeling "stick" hit my foot so I stopped and had a look around on the ground. Henry yelled at me to keep riding (he thought I was being lazy and resting, he likes to ride super fast and not stop) so I was like a "plastic stick hit my foot" and he didn't see anything either so we rode home. We didn't even think it could be the shoes! When we got home I realised 1 shoe had fallen out. So we rode back to the spot and couldn't find it (it was very dark) I went to the local police box to report a missing shoe (lol, but seriously people in Japan are very honest so I thought it could have been handed in) They never turned up so I ended up going back to the shop and buying another pair. Luckily they had 1 pair in size LL left. I love the shoes and can't wait till Summer to finally wear them again. I can't believe people are out in Melbourne's Winter in those sandals, my feet would freeze!
haha thats a funny story!
ReplyDeleteI love melissa shoes, it's just something different and not so easy to get here!
I have one pair and I adore them, they're so comfy probably my fav pair of high heels. I currently want this pair: http://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/stcompany/cabinet/melissa-08ss-ph/33087-bk.jpg
hehe oh yeah! but ur fake ones look really cool I must say!!!
I'm off to take some pictures, I'm abit sad today so I need to transform that into photography.
I like those Melissa sandals - they are really comfy too (I had a pair of the Ultragirl flats which I swear are the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned). I love that story about the missing shoe, I'm surprised no one turned it in to the cops - my husband left a smallish bag of groceries at the train station once when he was living in Japan and someone took it to the police box!
ReplyDeleteyeah they seem to be pretty popular right now! I'd love to get one too, but it's way too overpriced here right now, I've seen some pairs prices at over $100!
ReplyDeleteI had a look at Melbourne Street Fashion, I love love your shots ;)
Hayley I'm one of your fans. Congrats...had a look at melb st fashion. Great photos.
ReplyDeleteAnd Coco hope you're feeling happier.
gosh don't you hate the LL sizing in tokyo? i buy that sometimes and i get a little insulted. hahaha.
ohhh i know! i miss it so much too. :) i was looking at your tokyo blog and i miss all that! people wearing whatever they want! overdressing! omg! let’s do a blog post together. tokyo shopping guide! yeah! haha!
Coco: I love those Melissa shoes too. I was going to buy them a few months ago on sale but didn't and have regretted it ever since. Also Chin up there, I hope you took some good photos.
ReplyDeleteSkye: Something similar happened to me in Japan, the day I arrived I
left my front door key beside a telephone at Narita airport. I called up and someone had handed it in and then the airport couriered over my key to my home. They totally wouldn't do that here!
V: Yeah I think the real Melissa shoes are kinda expensive. Thanks for liking my shots :>
Anon: ok cool I have fans, lol. thanks for liking my shots :>
Gilda: Yeah the sizing in Tokyo was very annoying. Most of the cheap clothes were 1 size fits all...except me (I did find 3 dresses that were 1 size that did actually fit me and look good though, but seriously only 3 in 1 year, here I buy 1 dress a week or something)
We totally should do a Tokyo shopping guide. Its kinda hard though because you need maps because Tokyo is so confusing. My fave areas to shop were Harajuku, Koenji and ShimoKitazawa and sometimes Shibuya.
I really miss the colourful overdressing. Melbourne is famous for its uniform of black and I've gone back to it to fit in. I miss feeling confident in loud colourful clothes. I miss Tokyo.
H you're too funny for wordsxxx congrat's on passing first semesterxxxx
ReplyDeleteI love melissa shoes and can't wait to get my hands on their colaboration with Viv Westwood! Yay!
ReplyDeleteIt's so hilarious what you see people wearing in Melbourne in Winter- the other day I saw a guy in shorts and thongs, it was about 15 degrees!
ReplyDeleteThis morning I saw(just near your place actually) a man with a tshirt, jeans and thongs on, it would have been about 10 degrees.
The woman walking next to me had on a coat, scarf and gloves.
Great pictures, well done on the assignment. As long as you keep this blog up because it's always interesting to hear your thoughts.
omg yes yes yes harajuku itself is like humongous, stretching all the way to like cat alley and urahara and meiji dori and ayama. i stayed near koenji and loved it so much too. gosh. seriously, if i ever move back to tokyo one day i'm gonna set up a tokyo shopping tour.:) i want to do that shopping guide too.. but i guess maybe it's not the most feasible thing huh? shucks
ReplyDeleteps: i LOVE your wedding photos!
hahah you're so full of stories. one day, you're gonna have to tell us all your little anecdotes.
ReplyDeleteCute story!
ReplyDeleteThe sandals are still as popular as ever here! I just bought the latest Cutie mag and almost 80% of the girls street snapped are wearing some form of plastic sandal or wedge. I wonder if Melissa is flattered or flat out mad! ;)
Love the red ones!