Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The WINNER of the Eyegoodies Karen Walker Super Duper comp is:

Chibolt! Her entry stood out, not only because she drew that amazing illustration above, but because of her idea of teaming the Karen Walker sunnies with scalloped bike shorts, what a fabulous idea and I really want a pair of scalloped bike shorts, do they even exist? The rest of her entry was equally as styling "Faux fur fuzzy cropped jumper, leather bodice, scalloped bike shorts, mesh cage skirt, thigh high socks, custom pointed creepers, pink hair, red lips and SUPER DUPERS!"

Thanks so much to the 100 fabulous people who entered the comp, and a super special thanks to the team at Eyegoodies for giving away such a fantastic prize. Do you know how much I wanted to win this prize? hehe.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congrats to the winner! Well deserved!

    Delicious sunglasses....yummm

    Follow my blog, it's updated daily!

  3. Thank-you so so much Hayley!! You Rock!!! I'm so wearing these every day.. and night!
    Thank-you Thank-you!
    Big ups to eyegoodies too for making it happen. eep!

  4. Oh and P.S. I will def find a way to make this outfit happen. I'll let you know when some custom made scalloped bike shorts are ready!

  5. congrats winner! somehow I forgot all about this.... :(

  6. Wow that is some serious imagination! Congrats to the winner!

  7. Thanks for this beautifully-made blog. I love fashion a lot!
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